QDo you hold company information sessions?
In line with our recruitment policy "anytime, anywhere, anyone," Sysmex provides online briefing sessions so that everyone can equally obtain information about the company, regardless of where you live or when you complete your degree. Recordings of these briefing sessions are made available to view online at any time.
Please note that participating in the briefing sessions and internships that we host is not a prerequisite for selection. You are welcome to submit your application even if you haven’t had any prior contact with us.
QDoes an applicant’s educational background and major affect how you proceed through the screening process?
The screening process is based on the same criteria, regardless of whether the applicant has a doctorate, master's degree, bachelor's degree, technical college diploma or specialization. In addition, students from all faculties and departments are eligible to apply.
We expect you to demonstrate your abilities in a role that is closely aligned with your major and skillset.
Learn more about job types.
QIs April 1st the only date for entering the company?
The standard entry date is April 1st, but we can be flexible as each individual’s circumstances may differ (e.g. graduation date, degree type, mid-career professional, etc.). If you wish to join Sysmex on a different date, then we can discuss this further during the interview process.
QWhat level of language proficiency will I need prior to entry (Japanese, English, etc.)?
As a newly-hired employee, your language proficiency is not a problem, nor is it a prerequisite for entering the company. We provide opportunities to improve your language skills on an ongoing basis after entering the company.
As we conduct business all over the world, you will have the opportunity to improve your language proficiency through the work you undertake.
QWhat does potential hire refer to?
Individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible to be a potential hire:
  • Individuals who have graduated from, or are about to graduate from a university, etc.
  • Graduates of a university, etc., who are under 30 years of age.
    # The aim is to promote career development in line with long-term employment and service to the company. (Exception 3 (a))

If you would like to apply for a mid-career position, please click here to see the job opportunities available.

QHow are transfers decided?
In order for employees to achieve their career goals, they need to think about how to use their strengths and expertise in their career development. Based on this, we have a matching program for new hires (new graduates) where employees can try out jobs they want through an open position system that anyone can apply for, including positions in Japan and overseas. This allows us to strategically transfer personnel. All decisions are made based on the expectations of the company and the wishes and aptitude of the employees themselves.
Employees regularly discuss their careers with their superiors, who are responsible for developing them and helping them achieve their career goals.
In line with our company policy, employees can also submit a career plan and transfer request to the HR division once a year.
QAre there any opportunities to undertake work related to Sysmex’s global business?
It depends on your work responsibilities and the department you will be assigned to, but considering that over 80% of our sales are from overseas, there are many opportunities for you to be involved in projects related to our global business. In addition to meetings, emails, and business trips to overseas Group companies, customers and subcontractors, you may also be transferred to an overseas subsidiary or R&D base. Naturally, we will take into account the wishes and circumstances of our employees when deciding on overseas transfers.
Individual Inquiries
If you have any questions, please contact the HR global recruitment team at the following address: scj-globalrecruits@sysmex.co.jp